Commissioning Policy


Essex County Council is committed to enriching the musical landscape of the Greater Essex Hub area by commissioning high-quality provision that enables young people to start their musical journey from a young age, and progress through opportunities that engage, inspire and education. This policy outlines the principles, criteria and process that will guide the commissioning of work from across the partners that make up the Hub.


The objectives of this commissioning policy are to:

  • Ensure high-quality provision across all the Hub commissioned work
  • Encourage collaboration between Hub partners
  • Foster creativity and innovation
  • Support a diverse range of musical genres and practices
  • Enhance musical education and participation across the Hub region
  • Promote Inclusivity and accessibility within music offered across the Hub region

Guiding principles

Essex County Council will adhere to the following principles in its commissioning activities:

  • Quality and Excellence

Commissions will be given where there is evident of maintaining a consistently high-quality provision during delivery, and where partners have the ability to provide the levels of excellence that will inspire young people across the Hub region.

  • Inclusivity and Diversity

How the commissioned work ensures that all young people, regardless of their background, characteristics or abilities, have equal opportunity to participate and are treated with respect, valued, supported and made to feel a sense of belonging.

  • Collaboration

How might the commissioned work be delivered by more than one partner and foster collaboration between members of the Hub, sharing good practice, peer-to-peer development and strengthening the quality, reach, sustainability and accessibility of the offer.

  • Sustainability

Commissions will be considered on their ability to generate further economic activity, to develop less reliance on funding over multi-years of investment and become part of the functioning ecology within the Hub region.

  • Transparency and fairness

All decisions and actions taken will be done so in line with the wider Music Hub Governance processes, ensuring that all processes and decisions are open, understandable and equitable.  

Commissioning Criteria

When commissioning work, Essex County Council as the Hub Lead Organisation will consider the following criteria:

  • Organisation merit

The quality of the provision, the ability to deliver across the specified area and how the proposed work aligns to the Hubs values, strengthening the delivery of the National Plan for Music Education across the Hub region.

  • Educational impact

The potential to enhance musical learning and engagement within a specific area, to develop close supportive working relationships with stakeholders, and to inspire confidence in all that is being delivered.

  • Engagement

The ability to engage the targeted audience as is purposed, ensuring accessibility, relevance and suitability for the needs of all the stakeholders.

  • Feasibility

The practicality of project, including budget allocation, timeline, personnel capacity and wider resources.

  • Legacy

What will be the long-term benefits of the work and how will young people progress on from the work delivered. Also how sustainable the project work is beyond the commission.

Commissioning process

Stage 1: Needs Analysis

The Hub Lead Organisation (Essex County Council) will be responsible for conducting regular assessment to identify gaps and opportunities within the musical ecology of the Hub region.

Stage 2: Hub partnership/Call for proposals

Hub partners will be approached to take on activity that uses their expertise. Where multiple partners or no partners exist, a call for proposals will be issued.

Stage 3: Draft partnership funding agreement

Either with existing Hub partners, or with those bidding, a meeting will be held to discuss how work could be delivered to respond to the need identified. If the proposed approach has merit, a draft funding agreement will be written which will detail as a minimum:

  • Scope of work
  • Timelines for delivery
  • Funding required
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Quality Assurance framework
  • Inclusion Charter
  • Full reporting requirements

Stage 4: Partnership funding agreement approved and issued

Once drafted, the partnership agreement will be circulated between the governance membership for comment and approval before then being officially issued.

Stage 5: Signed copy of the funding agreement returned and first instalment payment setup.

On receipt of the signed agreement, activity can begin, and payment will be organised. 

Stage 6: Monitor and support

Regular check-ins and requests for progress reports by the Hub Lead Organisation will enable suitable monitoring and support of all work commissioned.

Stage 7: Impact evaluation and reporting

A full evaluation is required at the completion of all delivery. Partners are expected to assess the impact and outcomes of their work, produce final reports including all data of the participants, and the learnings and achievements of the work delivered.

Roles and responsibilities

Essex County Council

Overall responsibility for managing the commissioning process, including meeting with Hub partners to discuss initial approaches and delivery, supporting and developing applications when there is a call for proposals, managing the setup and payment of finances and overseeing the project delivery, ensuring that the expected quality is maintained, and all reporting is completed in a timely manner.

Music Hub Oversight board

Will review and comment on all drafted partnership agreements and advise the Hub Lead Organisation on use of the grant, ensuring all matters are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

Commissioned Parties

Will deliver the commissioned work according to the agreed terms and will inform the Hub Lead Organisation if there is any need to change the initial agreed delivery plan. Will also ensure full participation monitoring during delivery to inform a full impact evaluation and detailed report at the conclusion of delivery.

Funding and budgeting

The full Music Hub Arts Council England grant funding will be commissioned following this process, and therefore funding agreements that total the whole grant total need to be drawn up. Funding decisions will be based on the quality and potential impact, while ensuring a fair distribution of resources across the Hub region.

Review and feedback

The commissioning policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually. Feedback from Hub partners, commissioned parties and the wider community will be sought to inform continuous improvement.

Contact information

For inquiries about the commissioning process, please contact:

Peter Lovell – Essex Music Service Lead Officer