Opportunities for Schools

Schools and education settings are a key partner of the Hub and we work together to deliver our aims for young people.

Greater Essex Music Hub provides high-quality, diverse, inclusive and sustainable music education opportunities for all children and young people. Our role is to support and challenge schools to provide a high-quality music education for all pupils. We understand that no two schools are the same; geographic location, staff expertise, pupils needs and equipment available are all factors in the differing music education needs of schools.

We recognise that the support needed will be different across the county and in each individual school and we adapt to best fit the needs of the pupils, staff and schools within Essex.

Please contact us for further support at musichub@essex.gov.uk

Curriculum support

We work with colleagues to ensure that whatever curriculum resources they are using in school, they have access to training and support to deliver a high-quality, practical music curriculum for their pupils.

Through our partnerships with Charanga, Focus on Sound and Sing Up we offer our schools curriculum delivery support and materials. Each of these partners provide CPD to schools to embed the use of the resources into school curriculums and strategic support from the Music Hub supports schools to use the materials in a way that best suits their pupils and their own teaching expertise.

Specialist tuition

Music Service tutors provide specialist instrumental and vocal tuition to pupils in their own schools, ensuring all pupils who want to progress their musical learning outside the classroom can have the opportunity to do so.

Often starting through whole class instrumental tuition support, pupils can continue to progress as musicians through small group and 1-1 music tuition. Our tutors also provide capacity and expertise in schools to deliver instrumental and vocal ensembles, music technology support and class curriculum delivery.


Schools can access any of the Music Hub’s Continuing Professional Development and support to help them develop their Music curriculum in line with National Curriculum requirements and with reference to the Model Music Curriculum. Activity is available to all schools but is specifically targeted to schools who we know will benefit from the support.

Our CPD offer to the schools’ workforce is aimed at both Music specialist and non-specialists and outlined in the Workforce Strategy and in our Activity Plan for the year. Further information about our support for schools is detailed in our Schools’ Music Education Plan.